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Mural celebration ignites big St. Pete Arts Month


By JON WILSON, Consulting Editor, TB Reporter

An arts festival called SP 15 takes place through Sept. 27, with most events beginning Sept 9.

ST. PETERSBURG–Music, dance, fine arts and much more await the city as an event called SP 15 showcases St. Petersburg’s vibrant creative scene starting Wednesday (Sept. 9) with a 7 p.m. kickoff celebration at the Dali Museum.

The Shine Mural Festival has begun, with artists currently at work around downtown and other venues. Check out The Shine organization also has a Facebook page.

SP 15, which runs through Sept. 27, requires tickets for some of the events, but many more are free. The festival is presented in association with the City of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance and the Suncoasters of St. Petersburg.

The festival “will celebrate local artists, art-centric businesses and creative people here in our Sunshine City,” said Bob Lang, present of the Suncoasters of St. Petersburg. The Suncoasters have long been ambassadors for all things St. Petersburg.

For a description of events and other information, visit


Photo courtesy of SHINE St. Petersburg. The Space Rainbows project continues on First Avenue N.

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