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Wondering where Santa is today? There are lots of Santa trackers out there to help keep you informed.

TAMPA BAY – It’s Christmas Eve. Time to run out for those truly last-minute gifts. Then a frenzy of wrapping and preparing for the heavy duty cooking of tomorrow.

If you think you’ve got it busy, think about Santa Claus. He’s in the starting box, ready to hop in the sleigh for that 24-hour trip around the world. And now, courtesy of the internet, you (or your kids) can find out exactly where he is thanks to Santa trackers. While there are several of them out there (just Google “Santa tracker”), we’ll get you started with two. One is the tracker at NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, and the other is the Google Santa Tracker. NORAD has lots of experience tracking Santa and other flying objects. Norad also offers pictures from where Santa has been seen. Google offers computer games on its tracker.

If you’re interested in the NORAD Santa tracker, go to If you’re interested in the Google Santa Tracker, go to

Santa Claus | NORAD | Santa Tracker | Google Santa Tracker | TB Reporter

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