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Pipeline Project Could Tangle Traffic on Sheldon Road

Pipeline | Roadwork | Wastewater Pipe

Work will continue on Sheldon Road for several months before reaching Linebaugh Avenue this summer.

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY – Beginning Tuesday (Jan. 2), construction crews will start installing the River Oaks Diversion Project pipelines on Sheldon Road just south of Fawn Ridge Boulevard, according to Hillsborough County officials.

Motorists will see new signage identifying construction work zones as trenches are excavated and new wastewater and reclaimed pipelines installed in the median of Sheldon Road.

Traffic lanes are expected to remain open during the peak morning and evening commutes. The inside travel lanes will be merged with the outer lanes throughout the day during non-peak hours, which may increase non-peak travel times. Motorists are advised to use caution when traveling through the area. The median piping work will continue south on Sheldon Road for several months before reaching Linebaugh Avenue this summer.

Pipeline installation is part of the first phase of a $28 million multi-year Hillsborough County Utilities project to retire and remove the aging River Oaks Wastewater Treatment Plant located at the corner of Sheldon Road and Waters Avenue.

Information about the project is available online at Questions about the project may be directed to Citizen Engagement at (813) 272-5275 or Darren Alfonso at (813) 957-3208. Para información, llame al (813) 272-5275. For hearing and speech impaired assistance, please call (813) 272-5275, Ext. 711.

Hillsborough County | Sheldon Road | Pipeline Project | River Oaks Wastewater Treatment Plant | Tampabay News

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